10 week Audio Course-Lit From Within™ Living Aware Awake Aligned!
The Art of Empowerment: Working With The Sacred Feminine- Creative and Intuitive Body Centered Techniques to Ground, Center, and Embody the Sacred Feminine
It’s time to light up the world with your BRIGHTEST SELF! Soul is calling you to take this next step in saying YES to what you are ready to let go of that has been dimming your light.
“A creative Healing Arts approach to mental wellbeing using the body, the mind, and the spirit” (A-HA)
Are you a gentle soul who struggles with knowing you are here to do something amazing and are ready to step into your light but don’t feel empowered to quite do so?
My 10-week online course, Lit From Within, Living AWARE, AWAKE, and ALIGNED will teach you how to work with your sacred empowerment centers through the lens of the divine feminine, which will take you from doubting your divine gifts and talents to owning them, learn to embrace all of you while being able to be your brightest and best self.
Most people think their biggest obstacle is not having time, but the truth is time is an illusion. And in my program, I show you from the first lesson, exactly how to use my sacred practical tools to light up your daily life so that you can begin to feel who you were born to be and live the life you desire.
10-Week SELF DIRECTED Audio Course Curriculum: You Will Learn...
1.This lesson will teach you how to work with the sacred feminine arts like your creativity, intuition, and heart centered awareness, which will take you from living in the Head Lens or the ego (fears, doubts, worries), to a new heart centered perspective that will shift the way you see yourself, others, and the planet, all without leaving the comfort of your own house .
2. This lesson will teach you how to use your breath as a sacred light tool and something you have on you at all times, which will take you from your broken link to your Higher Self, to reconnect back to the sacred temple body, all without breaking a sweat.
3. This lesson will teach you how easy it is to reconnect back to Mother Earth and let her retrieve all you are ready to let go of, which will take you from holding on to the energy that doesn’t belong to you, to feeling recharged, renewed, and refreshed, all without the struggle of the trying to find that sanctuary out in nature 365 days a year.
4. This lesson will teach you how to use your sacred breathwork to connect to your Light Team, which will take you from disempowered and feeling alone, to wholly supported and protected, all without having to meditate for hours on end.
5. This lesson will teach you how to connect to your inner temple, or souls voice and receive messages from your Higher Self, which will take you from a disconnected relationship you have with your body, mind, and spirit, to working with the embodied sacred spiritual arts and bring you closer to what you want in life, all without the fears, worries, and self-doubts getting in the way.
6. This lesson will teach you how to use your intuitive body, mind, and spirit as a resource, which will take you from second-guessing yourself, to trusting your divinely guided compass, all without the distractions of the ego lens.
7. This lesson will teach you how to tap into your sacred creativity center while using the body as a resource, which will take you from feeling blocked and creatively shutdown to knowing that creativity is a birthright and when used through the sacred feminine lens it also is a way to communicate with your Higher Self, all without the judgement of the inner critic.
8. This lesson will teach you how to explore through a creative and intuitive process the generational patterns of wounds that trigger us and leave us feeling stuck and flailing, which will take you from realizing what no longer is serving you or that you are ready to shed and let go of, to making room for more of what will align to create the life you were born to live, all through the gentle heart-centered lens away from the inner critic and ego.
9. This lesson will teach how to use creativity to empower manifestation, which will take you from the false beliefs that are holding you back to finally have the power and wisdom to create a conscious level intention to manifest the life you desire, all while letting go of the blocks that are standing in your way of your brightest best life.
10. This lesson will provide insight on how you want to use your new-found sacred gifts and talents to be shared with the world, which will take you from the place of lack and separation to knowing that everything is within and your new reality is one full of prosperity and abundance in all aspects of your life, all while embodying this integration of the WHOLE self and who you were born to be and not walking around living a half fulfilled life any longer.
This Course Includes...
· Receive 1 lesson every day for 10 days ( total of 10 lessons to do daily or weekly) Audio Lectures and transcripts
·Support and Feedback in the private Facebook group
·Full lifetime access
·Accessibility for mobile learning
Each is a lesson designed to create reflection throughout the week but this course can be done entirely at your own pace.
This Course is designed for beginners and for those who wish to establish a greater connection with Higher Consciousness.
No Pre-requisites are required and the only materials you need to complete this course are:
·On open mind
·A computer or mobile device with access to the internet
·A few simple art materials such as colored pencils or markers or crayons or pastels, and paper are optional.
This Course also offers full access to a private Facebook page with questions, guidance, and support with anything throughout the course.
The Benefits...
With these sacred and practical tools you can start living AWARE, AWAKE, and ALIGNED in only a few short months, and start to apply sacredness to your daily life from the very first lesson, and awaken your sacred feminine gifts and talents, and light up this world as you become a sacred role-model for others, all without struggling with years and years in therapy to get there.
Why wait a minute longer?
Enroll now!
Your Instructor
Art Therapist, Trauma Sensitive Yoga Instructor, Sacred Feminine Embodiment Leader
Molly Douglas is a teacher of the Creative Intuitive Arts, a mentor and guide of the Heart Centered Way of being, a Sacred Feminine Embodiment Leader, and an activist for the healing and evolution of the planet. Working in the field of trauma for the past 12 years has laid a foundation for her expanded knowledge and deepened her spiritual growth as a master of psycho-spiritual transformation. Molly blends her teaching and leadership as a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, a Board-Certified Art Therapist, a trained Trauma Sensitive Yoga Instructor, a Level I & II Reiki Practitioner, and a channel for the divine light. Molly is the founder and Creatrix of Healing Arts, PLLC, A Body, Mind, Spirit Wellness Center and Lit From Within™ Living Aware, Awake, and Aligned.
Molly offers programs that support sacred embodiment, self-expression, inner spiritual authority, and soul leadership through an online classroom and community and global mentorship called Soulwork Signature™. Through the development of A Healing Arts Method™ or (A-HA Method), Molly has supported hundreds of clients to become the BRIGHTEST, and BOLDEST versions of themselves and sacred transformation to take place. Molly stands for the activation and embodiment of bringing sacred back to self, others, and the planet through the Art of the Sacred Feminine to help birth a new way of being for all.
Course Curriculum
StartThe ART of the Sacred Feminine
StartBreath is Your Light Tool
StartFinding Your Roots
StartConnecting Above
StartQuieting the Noise
StartThe Body as a Resource
StartShedding the Past
StartThe ART of Manifestation
StartA Beautiful New Friendship- the Authentic Whole Self