10 week Audio Course-Lit From Within™ Living Aware Awake Aligned!
Introduction and Overview! Hello and Welcome! Thank you for taking this journey with me. I am beyond excited to do this with you. This has also been my journey and the journey of many others like you. The ART of Empowerment. It’s time tap into the sacred feminine arts and light up the world with your BRIGHTEST MOST EMPOWERED SELF! For thousands of years our power has been dimmed to fit a lens that no longer serves us or this planet. Now is the time where we are done playing small and ready to step into our greater purpose. Our empowered self is a WHOLE self. Let me guide through these 10 lessons where I share with you some of my most sacred tools that you can apply today to bring more JOY, WISDOM, and LOVE into your life. This process will help you to discover how to shift the way you see yourself, others, and the planet and start seeing through the lens of the SACRED DIVINE FEMININE! By opening up and empowering your intuition, creativity, and additional power centers, we can connect body, mind, spirit, and Soul as one! Take the journey with me to discover the practical tools to light you up from the inside and start living aware, awake, and aligned! Your Soul is calling you to take this next step in saying YES to what you are ready to let go of and find out what has been dimming your light. This sacred transformation will allow you to embody the best version of yourself and begin using your spiritual gifts and talents to align you with the life you desire and person you were born to be! This is not the lifetime to be small and hidden. BE SEEN- Let your LIGHT BE SEEN, the World needs YOU! Step up! Rise up! And say YES! I hope you find this course as helpful and healing in discovering what light you up!